Der British DX Club hat auf seiner
Website diverse DX-Programme für die Sommerperiode (April bis Oktober 2007) aufgelistet, jeweils unterteilt nach Wochentagen. Da die komplette Wiedergabe hier die Seite sprengen würde, im Folgenden lediglich ein "kleiner" Auszug - die Tage Samstag und Sonntag:
Samstag0100v TalkSport gadget/technical phone-in with Fevzi the "gadget detective": 1053 1089 1107 DAB Sat
0120 R Budapest "DX Corner": 6040
0235 R Bulgaria "Calling DXers": 9700 11700
0245 RAE Buenos Aires "DXers Special Supplement": 11710
0250 R Budapest "DX Corner": 6195
0500 KWHR Hawaii "Radio Weather": 13650
0510 R Japan "World Interactive": 5975uk 6110ca 7230uk 15195 17810 21755
0518v R Ukraine Int "The Whole World on the Radio Dial": 9945 7420alt
0700 KWHR "DXing With Cumbre": 11565
0718v R Ukraine Int "The Whole World on the Radio Dial": 9945 7420alt
0730 HCJB Australia "DX PartyLine: 11750
0800 Glenn Hauser’s "World of Radio": WRN-EuAfAs
0810 KBS World R, Seoul "Worldwide Friendship": 9570
1000 WHRI "Radio Weather": 7315
1010 R Japan "World Interactive": 6120ca 9695 11730 11890 17585ab 17720ab
1100 HCJB Australia "DX PartyLine": 15540
1130 HCJB Australia "DX PartyLine": 15400
1210 KBS World R "Worldwide Friendship": 9650ca
1230 WHRA "Radio Weather": 17650
1245 V of Turkey "DX Corner" (alt wks): 13685 15450
1310 KBS World R, Seoul "Worldwide Friendship": 9570 9770
1610 KBS World R, Seoul "Worldwide Friendship": 9515
1630 WWCR Nashville "World of Radio": 12160 (irreg)
1710 R Japan "World Interactive": 9535 11970 15355mo
1810 KBS World R, Seoul "Worldwide Friendship": 7275
1845 V of Turkey "DX Corner" (alt wks): 9785
1918v R Ukraine Int "The Whole World on the Radio Dial": 7490 5830alt
1930 WHRI "DXing With Cumbre": 17650
2045 V of Turkey "DX Corner" (alt wks): 7170
2100v R Havana "DXers Unlimited": 9505 11760
2110 KBS World R, Seoul "Worldwide Friendship": 3955uk
2118v R Ukraine Int "The Whole World on the Radio Dial": 7510 5830alt
2125v REE Madrid "Radio Waves": 9840 11625(irreg)
2215 V of Turkey "DX Corner" (alt wks): 6195
2330v R Havana Cuba "DXers Unlimited": 9550
Sonntag0010 R Japan "World Interactive": 6145ca
0018v R Ukraine Int "The Whole World on the Radio Dial": 7440 5820alt
0030 WHRI "Radio Weather": 7315
0035v REE Madrid "Radio Waves": 6055 15385alt
0130v R Havana "DXers Unlimited": 6000 6060 6180
0145 WWCR Nashville "Ask WWCR": 5070
0200 WWCR “Australian DX Report": 5070
0210 KBS World R, Seoul "Worldwide Friendship": 15575
0215 WWCR "DX PartyLine": 5070
0230 WHRA "DXing with Cumbre": 5850
0230 WWCR Nashville "World of Radio": 5070
0240 KBS World R, Seoul "Worldwide Friendship": 9560ca
0310 R Japan "World Interactive": 21610
0315 V of Turkey "DX Corner" (alt wks): 5975 7270
0318v R Ukraine Int "The Whole World on the Radio Dial": 7440 5820alt
0330v R Havana "DXers Unlimited": 6000 6060 6180
0330 KWHR Hawaii "DXing With Cumbre": 17655
0500 KWHR Hawaii "DXing With Cumbre": 11565
0500 WWCR Nashville “Into Tomorrow” (live): 5070
0530v R Havana "DXers Unlimited": 6000 6060 6180 9550 9820 11760
0630 WWCR Nashville "World of Radio": 3215
0635 R Bulgaria "Calling DXers": 9600 11600
0800 Amateur Radio Mirror (S Africa): 7082usb 7205me 17695me
0800 "DXing With Cumbre": WRN-EuAfAs
0930 WHRI "Radio Weather": 7315
0945 WWCR Nashville "Ask WWCR": 5070
1110 R Japan "World Interactive": 6120ca 9695 11730
1118v R Ukraine Int "The Whole World on the Radio Dial": 15675 9950alt
1130 Adventist World R "Wavescan": 15435gm
1135 R Bulgaria "Calling DXers" 11700 15700
1200 Adventist World R "Wavescan": 15435we
1230 WHRA "Radio Weather": 17650
1500 Adventist World R "Wavescan": 11640gm
1500 KWHR Hawaii "DXing With Cumbre": 9930
1505 RCI "Maple Leaf Mailbag": 9515ca 11675ku 17720ur
1510 R Japan "World Interactive": 6190 7200 9505 11730
1510v R Budapest "DX Mix" (monthly): 6025 9610
1530 Adventist World R "Wavescan": 15225we
1530 WHRI "DXing With Cumbre": 11785
1600 Adventist World R "Wavescan": 11640gm 11805gm
1630 Adventist World R "Wavescan": 6155gm
1730 Adventist World R "Wavescan": 9980gm
1805 RCI "Maple Leaf Mailbag": 9530ks 11765sk 15235ca 17810sk
1902 BBCR4 "World in Your Ear"/"Feedback": 198LW, MW, FM, DAB, SAT
1910v R Budapest "DX Mix" (monthly): 3975 6025
2000 WHRI "Radio Weather": 17650
2005 RCI "Maple Leaf Mailbag": 5850hb 7235sk 15325ca
2100 BBC R Norfolk + Cambs, Essex, Lincoln, Suffolk, Northants, Three Counties(MW):
"Pirate Radio Skues" (until 0100 music and offsore radio features)
2110v R Budapest "DX Mix" (monthly): 6025 9525
2130 Adventist World R "Wavescan": 11850gm
2230 Adventist World R "Wavescan": 15320gm
2230 WHRA "Radio Weather": 11885
2305 RCI "Maple Leaf Mailbag": 6100ca
v = variable frequency or time.
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Labels: DX, Kurzwelle